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GirdBid - For Installers & Homeowners

GridBid Is Here!

GirdBid - Storm

GridBid For Installers

Tired of driving endless miles only to find out the homeowner canceled, wasn’t home or wanted a generator you don’t sell? At GridBID we vet each homeowner with all the pertinent info needed to give an accurate quote from your phone or computer. We’ll send you vetted leads in your area based on the type of install requested. Slow in your territory? Simply search outside your area for jobs and send a bid!

Get Qualified Quotes!
GidBid Candles

Attention! You No Longer Need To Stock Candles

Tired of waiting for months to get someone to come to your house to give you a quote for a whole home generator? At GridBID we offer a transparent, hassle free experience where you can get multiple bids on your install from the comfort of your home. We collect some detailed info from you, then match you with a vetted installer based on your preferences. Once your job goes live, sit back, compare the quotes and select a bid that works for you!

Get Heat Now

Better Have It And Not Need It, Than Need It And Not Have It!

Extreme weather, continuous building, electric cars and grid instability have all contributed to uncertainty when it comes to power. Electricity is vital to keep you warm or cool when extreme weather hits your area. Do you work from home? Have a medical condition where oxygen is needed? Live in a rural area where you’re last to get power restored in a loss? There’s an old saying, “you don’t need a generator until you do, then it’s too late.” Now more than ever, a back up power system has become essential to ensuring you’re safe and comfortable in these uncertain times.